Content Marketing 101: Content Analysis Part 2

By Julian Karstel - 1478 views

Now that your content analysis planning is out the way it is time to look at the initial process of content analysis.

When you’re planning your content strategy you need to first consider how your brand will impact your new web content. You want to get a clear idea of how you want your users to think and feel about you in order to plan accordingly. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Find out what your audience thinks about your organisation and what they expect from you
  • If you would like the consumer’s perceptions to change, consider how to change them
  • Identify your organisation’s competitive advantages and positive unique qualities
  • Create a plan to improve the users’ perceptions by focussing on your key strengths

Consider the voice and tone of your web content. The way your content speaks to the users, needs to be in line with your brand’s characteristics and personality. The voice and tone should match the type of information being presented and to whom. It’s important to think about what you want the users to know about your company, your brand and your dealings. To create appropriate content we need to know what people want. The typical internet user doesn’t have the patients for irrelevant and non-complimentary content.

The following tactics should be considered when designing content for the users:

User Research

The best and simplest way to find out what your users want is just to ask them. User experience research is a topic in itself as it can be very time consuming and complex. Examples of simple user experience research can include surveys or questionnaires.

Web Analytics

Using web analytics and statistics based on user activity on your website will give you a good indication of their behaviour directly. This leads to the question of what web metrics system is your website using?

An effective and fully comprehensive analytics or metrics system should include the following:

  • Click-throughs
  • Page views
  • Site visits
  • Unique visitors
  • Conversion rates
  • Abandonment rates
  • Loyalty
  • Frequency of visits
  • How recently users have visited your site
Is your analytics tool integrated into your CMS? An analytics tool that is not incorporated into your CMS won’t be able to take full advantage of the reports because a separated analytics system cannot guarantee that all the pages are tagged or even that they are tagged properly. This means that the data gathered will not be completely accurate.

Website Search

When people use your website’s own search function, what do they search for?
People use the site search function when they are not sure where to find information using your normal website navigation. You should be able to draw a report from your website to see what they are searching for.

Social Media

The larger your organisation the more likely people will be talking about you online. What are they saying? Where are they saying it? What is the impact on your business?

Previous article in the series: Content Analysis Part 1; Next article in the series: Content Analysis Part 3

This article was inspired by the book Content Strategy for the Web by Kristina Halvorson, 2010.

Sound Idea Digital is a full service digital agency |
Julian Karstel is a Digital Marketing Consultant for Sound Idea Digital |



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