Minimising time wasters without destroying morale

Employers are always looking for ways to boost productivity in the office and minimise activities that waste time. We look at three of the worst time wasters in the office and discuss a few suggestions on how to overcome them.
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Don’t Spam Your Users

With the increase in social media marketing, it is easy to overlook the fact that you may be spamming users.
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What to do with older blog articles

There may be many reasons for casting your thoughts back to old blog articles. Perhaps you notice that they are dated, perhaps the topic has become a hot trend once more, perhaps it’s a good article that has been forgotten, or perhaps you need inspiration for a new post.
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Eating Little Bits of Social Media Marketing

2013 is recognised by many people as the year for short-form content. It seems that most users nowadays spend less time reading your content than they have in the past.
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eLearning as a Marketing Tool

Marketing in this day and age is about relationship building, not selling. Why? Well, because relationships last longer than once-off sales.
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Your website's been hacked - now what?

Being hacked is an emotional thing, within seconds you become incredibly vulnerable as someone sitting behind a computer can suddenly do as they please with your website.
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Does your business need an App?

A mobile App, short for application, is a piece of software which fills the need of a group of consumers.
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How to Respond to Trolls

This does not refer to a cave-dwelling creature, but rather to online trolls. A troll is an individual who feeds off of havoc and arguments on website forums.
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Responsive Design; Adapting to Size

It is the number one web design trend of 2014, responding to the rising need of a website which caters to mobile devices before anything else.
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