How to Respond to Trolls

By Francois Karstel - 4495 views


This does not refer to a cave-dwelling creature, but rather to online trolls. A troll is an individual who feeds off of havoc and arguments on website forums. Said individual will go out of their way to post comments that evoke emotional responses from those who come across it. In the world of business, this kind of online harassment is particularly concerning as it can damage acompany’s reputation when it is not handled properly.



Don’t Feed the Trolls

You may be able to discern a troll who is having a cheap laugh, from one who intends to do harm to you or your business. The best way to deal with one of these is to ignore them. The common troll simply craves attention and if it gets no attention, if it has no audience, its diabolical plan fails. If you do find yourself drawn into the conversation, bear this in mind:

  1. Keep calm, if you do not react feverishly, the troll’s plan already starts to collapse.
  2. Remain poised, refuse to give in to the temptation of hurling insults back at the troll.
  3. Surprise attack #1 – compliment them on, for example, having a differing opinion, they will not expect this.
  4. Surprise attack #2 – tell the troll that they have a valid point and ask them for a solution to the ‘problem.
  5. If you need to, list them on your Killfile, this will ensure that the troll is ignored in future ‘arguments’.

It is important to remember that not everyone is a troll; there are people with genuine disagreements and valid reasons for their arguments – some negativity is perfectly natural. This can be positive if you respond well. Users feel comfortable with a company that is open to constructive criticism, it humanises the company and builds to their online reputation.


Other ways to slay trolls

  1. Ban the troll from your website if they become abusive or offensive.
  2. Ignore the troll; do not feed its appetite.
  3. Be aware that trolls are ever-present and that most of your users are also aware of their presence.
  4. Discern trolls from customers. Trolls are not only there to slander your name, but may be active on other websites as well. You can make use of Google Alerts to double check if your troll really is a troll, or just a dissatisfied user with heightened emotions.
  5. Be honest with yourself regarding the truth behind a troll’s ranting. If you spot a trend of negative comments on your site, call for introspection. There might be some truth behind the troll’s ranting.

Nowadays people speak their minds somewhat freely. We are in an age of transparency, all business dealings and information is widely available, but this can easily be turned into something that works for your business. Your way of handling trolls demonstrates to other users, your level of service, as well as your professionalism. Do not panic when you encounter trolls – remember that it is as easy to ignore them as it is to make their absurdities work for you.



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