7 Processes in Good Corporate eLearning – Part 1

By Sandra - 69688 views

Learning the popular software applications, basic IT training or common soft skills is widespread in corporate training.  These subjects can be easily taught using eLearning applications.  Your business should have a good plan for implementation and a strategy for introducing eLearning into your company.  Any form of training will be meaningless and ineffective if the learning material or course content is not properly designed.

Below is an outline of the processes involved in creating good corporate eLearning.  Knowing what your eLearning service provider does to create your corporate training solution will empower you in choosing the best service provider to partner with in a new staff training venture.

Skills outcomes

To develop a solid training solution anticipate issues and expected outcomes.  Know what you want as the final result from training.  Make specific goals and objectives of the training endeavour.  Identify which skills need to be learnt to bring about the desired changes.


Before starting with eLearning training materials and content development, there should be a phase where various aspects are analysed.  The analysis phase will provide you with the information you need to properly define the scope of the training and will be the primary input in the design phase.  The analysis phase will allow you to define the overall scope of the training in terms of necessary content and the amount of instruction.

Using a good Learning Management System (LMS) has many benefits.  One example: the LMS can record an employee's entire training history including live training events.  Measurable performance parameters can be used to track students’ progress and provide feedback to evaluate the training results.  This can help to refine the implementation strategy and to keep the training initiatives on track.  So decide if the eLearning should be incorporated into an LMS or a standalone learning item.


The design phase takes into consideration what has been determined in the analysis phase.  It creates a total solution that meets the training requirements, goals and objectives.  Instructional design is a very methodical approach that determines how to go about achieveing the specific learning objectives of the training and designs the training around achieving those objectives.  A ‘Design Document’ will identify objectives and goals, instructional approaches, implementation strategies, a detailed curriculum and content outlines for all instructions and will establish all the necessary design standards.

Look out for Part 2 of “7 Processes in Good Corporate eLearning” where the next 4 processes are discussed.


Sound Idea Digital specialises in Learning Management Systems and eLearning development | soundidealearningmanagement.co.za
Sandra is an eLearning Specialist & Content Editor for Sound Idea Digital | sandra@soundidea.co.za



To cite this blog article:
Slabbert, S. 2016, January 6. 7 Processes in Good Corporate eLearning – Part 1. <ideas> the official Sound Idea Digital blog [Web log post]. Available: http://blog.soundidea.co.za/articles/7_Processes_in_Good_Corporate_eLearning_Part_1-440.html

Gipple, E. 2015. The Building Blocks of a Successful e-Training Program: An authoritative whitepaper on how to plan, implement, and evaluate an elearning program for your business. [ebook] Pasadena: Interactive Communications Solutions Group. Available: http://www.icslearninggroup.com/sharedResources/Documents/ICS%20Whitepaper%20The%20Building%20Blocks%20Of%20A%
20Successful%20eTraining%20Program.pdf [Accessed 30 Dec. 2015].



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