eLearning Team Assembly Line - Part 1

By Sandra - 67130 views

Here’s some practical advice for working in an eLearning team.  Practical on-the-ground advice for when you’re taking on an eLearning project.  This is helpful to understand as a potential client too.  Understand your role in the process and how many steps there are to get your project done.  There's an Infographic that is based on this article which illustrates this assembly line, too.

Some eLearning developers work solo, wearing many hats and managing everything themselves but other times, there is a team of people.  Both have their advantages and disadvantages.  So, it’s not to say the solo guy isn’t going to handle your 20 course curriculum.  Or that the eLearning team of 14 plus people will be competent enough to co-ordinate themselves in getting your eLearning course properly made.

When working in teams, an assembly line approach is recommended.  This approach develops a deep understanding for the section that each team member fulfils, making him or her each competent experts after only a few projects.  Using templates as a basis, rapid development of content is maintained and consistency occurs between modules - if there is to be more than one module.

The skill sets and publishing process follows as such:

1. SME(s) / ID(s)

These people are the subject matter experts (SMEs) and the instructional designers (IDs).  They meet to gather up the source content and create the broad strokes and general flow of training materials.

This is usually done using MS Word with comments and tracking.

2. ID(s)

IDs will go ahead and create a visual storyboard using something as simple as PowerPoint. Their job now is to create templated wireframe scenes that show the basics for the slide scenes, using the content previously created in the Word document.  IDs will add captions or narration scripts in the note areas, and use comments to add notes to developers regarding functionality and interactivity, scene descriptions for designers to follow, and on-screen text is also attached to the PowerPoint for developers to insert.

3. Media / design specialist(s)

The finalised storyboard is handed to the media or design specialist who swaps out the rough wireframe images and sketches with real images for template creation. This person is also tasked with creating re-usable objects, such as buttons, which should be arranged in a logical library bank.  Another job of this team member is, applying the master template settings for fonts, colours, etc.  Also, adjusting scene layout selections as needed and making any other graphic adjustments.

Until this point, only Word and PowerPoint documents have been shared among the eLearning team.  This makes it easy to adjust, share and comment as the process goes along.


There are a lot more steps involved in the practical steps of working in an eLearning team.  Look out for Part 2 to see the rest and check out the Infographic.


Sound Idea Digital specialises in Learning Management Systems and eLearning development | soundidealearningmanagement.co.za
Sandra is an eLearning Specialist & Content Editor for Sound Idea Digital | sandra@soundidea.co.za



To cite this blog article:
Slabbert, S. 2016, June 8. Post Title. the official Sound Idea Digital blog [Web log post]. Available: http://blog.soundidea.co.za/articles/eLearning_Team_Assembly_Line-_Part_1-477.html


Sources used:
Harnett, S. 2011, August 15. Commentary. In Stead, C. 2011, August 9. How do you manage the work in your team?. E-Learning Heroes. [Web log post] Available: https://community.articulate.com/discussions/building-better-courses/how-do-you-manage-the-work-in-your-team [2016 , June 10].



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