eLearning Team Assembly Line - Infographic

By Sandra - 62148 views

Here’s some practical advice for working in an eLearning team.  It's practical, on-the-ground advice for taking on an eLearning project as a team.  This is helpful to understand as a potential client too.  Understand your role in the process and how many steps there are to getting your project done.  There’s a lot of information out there about how to work effectively as a team, what to expect from your eLearning team and so forth.  But this infographic provides a practicle, step-by-step look at how an eLearning team can work together.eLearning Team Assembly Line Infographic

This infographic is based on the articles eLearning Team Assembly Line Part 1 and Part 2 also on this blog.  It's recommended to read these articles for the full story on the process.


Sound Idea Digital specialises in Learning Management Systems and eLearning development | soundidealearningmanagement.co.za
Sandra is an eLearning Specialist & Content Editor for Sound Idea Digital | sandra@soundidea.co.za



To cite this blog article:
Slabbert, S. 2016, June 22. Post Title. the official Sound Idea Digital blog [Web log post]. Available: http://blog.soundidea.co.za/articles/eLearning_Team_Assembly_Line-_Infographic-479.html


Sources used:
Harnett, S. 2011, August 15. Commentary. In Stead, C. 2011, August 9. How do you manage the work in your team?. E-Learning Heroes. [Web log post] Available: https://community.articulate.com/discussions/building-better-courses/how-do-you-manage-the-work-in-your-team [2016 , June 10].



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