What is "Branding" Anyway?

By Francois Karstel - 2520 views

Old school marketers do branding at the slightest provocation. They will put your logo everywhere from public toilets and taxis to TV ads or magazines. They believe they are giving your brand a vitamin B injection or Viagra for that matter.

What is a brand? Some people say; "a brand is a promise", others may say; "stop promising and start delivering".
“Branding” is what lazy and ineffective marketing people do to occupy their time and look busy according to Bestselling author, David Meerman Scott.

I believe a brand is a value perception. If the buying public has positive interactions with your brand they will see your brand as valuable. If they only see your logo everywhere they look they will not have a positive experience, on the contrary, they will experience it as litter, a form of garbage.

A great way to ensure positive interactions with your brand is by providing good quality fresh content through your website, blog, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, etc. 

So stop promising and start delivering!

To see 30 definitions of branding, visit: http://heidicohen.com/30-branding-definitions/

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