The Marriage of Traditional and Digital Media

By Cathrine Versfeld - 2299 views

They say the digital age is upon us. I’m not sure who exactly “they” are but I can tell you that “they” are a little behind the boat on this one. The digital age is not only upon us, it is around us, on top of us and thoroughly entrenched in corporate culture by now. 

The fact that every single marketing blog, website, article and magazine is bleating about it should be proof enough. The thing is, I’m not so sure everybody understands the true definition of “bleeding edge” anymore. Every book, article and blog on the subject of “new marketing” is assuring us that traditional advertising is dead and digital, PR based, relationship advertising is carving the new river in the valley. That may be so, but what's next?

What I’m asking here is simple. We get it. All of us in the industry get it now. Copywriters, graphic designers, developers, sales-people and even top-brass management have gotten the drift. It’s not new information anymore. It’s just not bleeding edge.

I have a theory on what might be next. The next logical step (in my opinion) is the marriage of two very necessary elements. Let me explain: The thing that was always so wonderful about the traditional advertising mindset was that brainstorming and getting people to notice was the whole point. You needed to get your billboard, magazine ad or brochure noticed. You had to apply radical and creative methods to achieve that purpose. The digital age has put paid to a lot of that. By properly targeting and optimising your e-marketing, it seems that a lot of that originality and creativity has gone out of the window. A website may be useful. It may contain interesting content but how long does it keep you there? Long enough to be measured? Long enough to get your e-mail address or make a sale?

It’s coming folks. Mark my words. The innovative approach of the old-school (traditional advertising) will be joined with the infinite possibilities of the new kid on the block (digital marketing). So don’t throw the boys in ponytails and goatees in the bin just yet. It’s only a matter of time and I (for one) can’t wait!

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