Optimise Your Youtube Videos for Search Engines

By Julian Karstel - 1054 views

YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, which means you need to optimise your videos to ensure they appear in YouTube’s never-ending, always-crowded search.

First and Foremost – Create Great Content

This point cannot be emphasised enough. Optimising a YouTube channel with bad videos is a futile activity. Besides, creating great content can be fun, and often requires little resources to get started.

Keyword Research

Before you can upload your video content you need to ensure you are optimising your content for the most effective keywords. YouTube has a keyword research tool known as the “YouTube Keyword Tool” and is considered the best tool for identifying those oh-so-crucial words and phrases I have been yapping about.


·         A video only gains a view when a certain percentage of the video has been watched.

·         Keep your videos short, between 2-3 minutes is a good length. People are easily bored.

·         Consider every element of a video and exercise quality control. These elements may include: sound, script, graphics, branding etc.

Video search engine rankings are based predominantly on number of views, video title, description and rating. Rating used to have considerably more influence but - since the flooding of fake ‘likes’ -their influence has dropped, however, they do still hold influence and are worth working towards.

Video Popularity

YouTube filters popular videos to the top, based on the assumption that good videos are generally popular as well. Videos that see a big boost in views are much more likely to be placed in the “most viewed today” section which means more exposure. For this reason it is crucial to link your videos to every available social media profile, embed them to your blog and promote them through all suitable channels of communication.


·         Your video title should be under 66 characters to make it easier for Google search to display.

·         If including your brand name add it in last.

·         Include the word ‘video’ in the title to aid in exposure.

·         Target keywords in the video file name - including the word ‘video’.

·         A/B Test your video titles, they can be changed at any stage. See which versions and combinations work best.


·         The video description has a maximum of 800 words, so make sure you plan your description well if it requires significant explanation. 

·         Only the first 25-30 characters are visible in YouTube search results, so ensure you include your primary keywords and links in the beginning. 

·         Ensure you include all your essential links, including other social media networks.

·         Prioritise the URL for the opening line to ensure the link is visible even if the ‘more info’ option is unclicked.


By using tags your videos are more likely to appear in related content increasing the chances of having your videos found.

·         The ‘Tags’ section has a limit of 120 characters, so make the most of it.

·         Target long tail keywords, such as location etc.

·         Include plural versions of the most crucial keywords.


The process of uploading a transcript of your video allows YouTube to add captions within your video. Captions are indexed by Google and will aid Google in understanding what the video is about, therefore boosting its SERP. 

·         Make your videos more accessible to people with hearing issues. This can be especially important depending on the nature and purpose of the video.

·         Make sure you transcribe your video word-for-word, including keywords where it is viable.


Adding annotations to your videos is a great way of linking your video content and can be used in creative ways, for example: alternative endings to a video. 

With annotations don’t be scared to link to other videos, associated content, product pages, call-to-actions, background information and other relevant links. Be careful not to do it in a spammy way.

By optimising every video you are maximising the exposure of your video content and YouTube channel. On YouTube that can mean the difference between 100 views and 100 000 views.

Julian Karstel is a Digital Marketing Consultant for Sound Idea Digital | @JulianKarstel | Julian@soundidea.co.za

Sound Idea Digital is a full service digital agency | www.soundidea.co.za



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