In Content Marketing You Get What You Pay For

By Julian Karstel - 1045 views
As a company you find yourself in need of joining the content revolution, so you decide to hire someone junior to handle this new marketing unit. Employing a junior to do your digital marketing is like getting that same junior to produce your TV commercial.   The result is going to be misjudged and misplaced resources. If you spend little on content marketing then expect to get little out of it. This content marketing revolution had a huge impact on the way business is done. The power shifted from the business to the consumer. This means you need to start taking this digital thing very seriously if you want to continue satisfying your customers.

Most of us know the basics of content marketing, but few seem to understand the amount of work that goes into it. Furthermore, many companies are still not convinced by the ‘content is king’ expression, which means Twitter’s pool of 20-follower accounts is growing rapidly. The hardest part is to continually create quality content, and the only way of getting ahead in this industry. To create quality content you need talented people who are experienced in this field, overlooked by managers who have a thorough understanding of the industry. It is possible to hire talented individuals in the industry, but it does not compare to a digital agency that eats, drinks and sleeps digital. 

There is a third option worth mentioning which is having an in-house department managed by a digital agency. This option would typically apply to a company where the topics of content can be very technical and requires significant knowledge, for example: An engineering or law firm. In this case the digital agency will not have the expertise to create all the necessary content however that does not mean its role is less significant. The entire process still needs to be facilitated to ensure that the organisation’s content marketing strategy is successfully implemented. 

People will think nothing of spending a fortune on a TV commercial; yet will spend very little time creating great content. However, that great content grows cumulatively and has the potential for exponential exposure. Content Marketing is here to stay and the only way to ensure you get ahead in this game is by taking it seriously and investing some serious resources in your digital efforts. Seriously.

Julian Karstel is a Digital Marketing Consultant for Sound Idea Digital | @JulianKarstel |

Sound Idea Digital is a full service digital agency |



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