Digital Natives/Immigrants Dilemma

By Cathrine Versfeld - 1955 views

Image from WORKDESIGN magazine

I don’t think it’s possible to work in any kind of professional capacity without a certain amount of tech savvy. It has reached a point where everybody with a business should have a website. Business people know this. But beyond the website, there is an innate understanding that some sort of “digital campaign” should ensue, but where to acquire one? In a world where everybody’s ten-year-old nephew can throw something together in Front-Page, surely it shouldn’t be hard?

The main problem comes in when you have your Digital Media administrated by somebody who is not a native to the digital world.

What It Means

The term “Digital Native” refers to a person (or the generation that they represent) who was born in the post-digital era. These are people for whom things like cell phones, digital printers and digital cameras are common.

The Internet has been around for most of their lives and they’ve never had to use a “Yellow Pages” to find anything. Although this is the common understanding of the term, there is an important point to bear in mind. There are many “old school” people who have quite naturally adopted the roles of Digital Natives. Similarly, there are many people from the emerging generation who do not have a passion or a “feel” for digital applications.


It is important to be able to differentiate the natives from the immigrants when it comes to your digital marketing.

There are many companies that say many things. Digital companies are a dime a dozen. Nowadays, you can have your company website developed really cheaply and even hosted monthly for virtually nothing. Don’t be fooled though. 

With the tremendous impact of digital marketing on modern society; you need a Digital Native to administrate your digital media. Make sure that the people you choose are comfortable in this space.

It can be difficult if you’re not a native yourself. You’ll recognise digital natives from the way they comfortably navigate the world of digital media. They solve complicated problems by discussing them on forums and the majority of their social and professional communication occurs in the abstract world of cyberspace.

These are the people to look for when it comes to your digital campaign.

Sound Idea Digital specialises in Digital Marketing.
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