Joe Public is a Digital Marketer

Your online presence, be it for social or professional purposes, advertises exactly who and what you are.
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How to Brainstorm

Here is a typical brainstorming scenario: a group of employees take an hour or two to brainstorm creative ideas for a content strategy – but more often than not, there is only one person putting ideas on the table.
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6 Essential Steps to take After a Sales Meeting

What you do after a meeting, is just as important as your preparation and presentation during the meeting. Here are six vitally important steps to take following your sales meeting.
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Content Marketing: How To Do a Competitor Analysis

A competitor analysis will allow you to see why your competitors are doing worse or better than you are and will give you a much needed wake up call.
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What Builds a Likable Business?

Fancy branding and cutesy advertising no longer work as the defining factors for closing a sale.
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The Content Marketing Client: Client to Supplier Relationship

When the project at hand is content marketing, the client supplier relationship should be a partnership.
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Creating a Corporate Culture of Lifelong Learning

Focusing on a group of corporate employees, whether it is a small company, a department within a company or a large enterprise, I would like to argue that a reputable culture of Lifelong Learning can be established and maintained.
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What Makes an Expert?

Marketing, just like mathematics, is something that must be practiced and mastered. You have to push yourself relentlessly and make every second count.
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Born Creatives: Can We Think Differently?

What do you think? Is it possible to think differently and creatively or is this impossible if you were not born with a creative mind? Creative thinking is present in most aspects of our lives. Whether it’s finding solutions to problems, managing a business, having everyday conversations or writing an article, creative thinking is central. Being able to think differently leads to innovation and this is why it is so important when it comes to business.
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Explaining Value

Value is one of the most important elements that people look for in products, services, companies and, most commonly, other people. The thing with value is that it might not be as obvious as one would think. People often do not recognise value for what it is worth – it is more of a given than a gift. If you do not communicate your value to all who favours from it, you simply won’t be rewarded for it.
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Using Willpower to Create New Positive Habits

According to the book Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength, by research psychologist Roy F. Baumeister and science writer John Tierney, successful people use their willpower to modify negative habits and to develop new positive habits. This is interesting because habits are stored in a different part of the brain, called the “dorsal striatum”, which uses less energy. You benefit from these new positive habits, month after month, year after year, without depleting you precious daily willpower quota.
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Is It Possible To Increase Your Own Willpower?

According to Baumeister you can indeed increase you own willpower because it works like a muscle, the more you use it, the more you have.
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The Secret to Success: Give More Than You Take

As humans, we are a social species. We need each other in order to survive because we trade, arrow heads for food, for example. A person’s value is determined by the society in which he or she operates. Success is then again determined by these value judgments and structures. The social perspective of value is most prominent in situations of trade.
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The Vocabulary of Leaders

We think in language. How we define our thoughts, feelings, pursuits and the way in which we communicate these to the outside world, is all dependent on the vocabulary at our disposal. In order to properly and healthily reason with oneself, one must have a sufficient vocabulary to do so.
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With Content Marketing You Get What You Deserve

Content marketing and the real-time nature of social media makes big business a meritocracy. The content marketing revolution has affected more than just the way companies communicate with the public. It has opened up an international, real-time dialogue with the public, and that means that companies get what they deserve.
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How To: Making First Contact

What if your dream client is out there and you are not willing to wait for them to come to you. You want to get their attention but, how do you make that first essential contact? More importantly, how do you make a positive impression?
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