Elements of eLearning - Part 2

By Sandra - 58598 views

Our list continues this week with seven creative elements that can be included in eLearning lessons.  If you've missed Part 1, click here.

Recorded video

Live action video recordings enhance the learning experience by activating the audio/visual learning style that many students are becoming more accustomed to today.  Practical demonstrations of techniques are best conveyed in this medium – far superior to text on screen alone.  Video recordings of facilitators create a sense of identification with the person behind the learning material, helping students to humanise and associate with the learning content.


Animations make learning more effective and enjoyable, and are used for several different purposes in eLearning.  All three key learning styles are captured with animation.  It activates the cognitive brain with dynamic visuals, audio and by creating an emotional experience. Animation has great appeal and potential, especially when used in combination with strong learning and teaching principles.

Some concepts can be abstract and difficult to understand, animation in eLearning can simplify complex scenarios; demonstrate dangerous situations; and illustrate sensitive subjects.


Utilise the latest technology of virtual reality for education.  Locations can be recorded and students can employ the use of inexpensive headsets to view these locations, making one feel as if you are really there with a full 360⁰ view.  Augment the experience with hot spots that provide information to what you are seeing.


To lower the bulk and cost of eLearning, downloads can be an option.  Identify sections, which can be easily self-studied, or sections that are necessary to be kept for later reference.  Convert these into PDF downloads.


eLearning and modern life lend themselves quite naturally to mobile learning.  All of our courses are viewable from a smartphone.  Courses can also be designed exclusively for mobile learning – which entails a different set of learning principals and design strategies.

Simulations and Scenarios

Simulation based learning is an additional and supporting element of eLearning.  A student can 'play around' with a real life task or scenario and explore what may or may not happen with a series of simulated choices.  Learning through play and real experience are two of the most effective ways of learning we have determined yet in modern educational learning theory.


External links to video, articles, websites, internal networks, podcasts, interviews, etc.  The options are virtually limitless – if you can get to it with a link, then any link can be used in the eLearning.


These eLearning elements are by no means the only elements that can be included, but it's a good start to educating yourself on what is available for use.  Help your eLearning vendor or instructional designer by flagging sections of your content that you think would be well suited for a specific eLearning element.  Helping to identify sections like this could reduce the overall time that the instructional designer will charge for.


Sound Idea Digital specialises in Learning Management Systems and eLearning development | soundidealearningmanagement.co.za
Sandra is an eLearning Specialist & Content Editor for Sound Idea Digital | sandra@soundidea.co.za



To cite this blog article:
Slabbert, S. 2017, February 15. Elements of eLearning – Part 2. <ideas> the official Sound Idea Digital blog [Web log post]. Available: http://blog.soundidea.co.za/articles/Elements_of_eLearning-_Part_2-497.html



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