Why eLearning is Popular

By Sandra - 63771 views

Whether you own a small business or a very large one, you probably realise how important it is to educate your most valuable company asset - your employees.


Corporate training can become difficult to schedule because it hardly ever fits perfectly into everyone’s busy work life. Even just organising a venue and a trainer for everyone can be a task unto itself.  eLearning is becoming more popular in the business world for many more reasons than just that.


Many people learn better online than in traditional settings.  You can learn at your own pace, not at the pace of the lecturer.  Online learning enables the learner to rewind, repeat or even skip ahead and return to that lesson later.


eLearning offers flexibility for busy working individuals, giving them the option to choose when they want to study. They can learn when there's some downtime at work, or at home on a quiet night, or even while traveling. Online classes save everyone time. People don’t have to travel to physical locations, which can seem like a waste of time.  Instead, when they have a few minutes they can open their computer and get started.


Online training often costs less in the long run.  You don’t have to pay for trainers, venues, or printed materials, year after year.  It’s a once off cost; with perhaps minor updates the content in the years to come.  It is a system that will keep going by itself, without having to endure more training costs each year.

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Well-designed eLearning courses help employees to easily retain what they learn.  Relevant study material can be implemented in their roles quickly.  eLearning also offers just-in-time style of training as well a reference training.  A quick refresher while on the job can create vast benefits for a company.  When workers are empowered to learn something without having to bother someone else for the information, more can happen.


eLearning is so popular because it’s easy to use. All you need is a computer and the Internet. There’s no software to install or hardware to upgrade.  Often you can start as soon as you are enrolled.



So why is eLearning so popular? Why don’t you experience it for yourself? Sign up for a free demo course on our LMS.  Send us an email with your full name and we’ll enrol you to our system, where you can have real, hands on experience with eLearning.

Watch the video on this topic!


Sound Idea Digital specialises in Learning Management Systems and eLearning development | soundidealearningmanagement.co.za
Sandra is an eLearning Specialist & Content Editor for Sound Idea Digital | sandra@soundidea.co.za



To cite this blog article:
Slabbert, S. 2017, January 4. Why eLearning is Popular.  <ideas> the official Sound Idea Digital blog [Web log post]. Available: http://blog.soundidea.co.za/articles/Why_eLearning_is_Popular-492.html



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