The Power of Social Media: The Egyptian Revolution 2011

By Lauren Kee - 2297 views


Who would have thought that social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube would play such a pivotal role in the violent protest that lead to the overthrowing of the Egyptian president, Hosni Mubarack. The cataclysmic events that transpired in Egypt and Tunisia made waves not only in the political sphere but the digital world as well.

The story began in Tunisia where violent protests erupted because of the now martyred, Mohammed Bouazizi, who set himself alight in protest against his unfair treatment. Bouazizi’s injuries were recorded and the video was later uploaded to YouTube. While in hospital, his story spread like wildfire creating that crucial spark for the people of Tunisia and eventually the rest of the Arab world to revolt against a repressive regime.

Protests against police brutality, lack of freedom of speech and free elections, corruption, poverty and unemployment soon spread to Egypt with the help of Facebook and Twitter. The Facebook page, We are all Khaled Said, created by Google executive, Wael Ghonim, went viral within a matter of hours. Ghonim used the page to organise the first Egyptian protests on 25, January 2011. Later Twitter and mobile communication further facilitated the organisation and staging of mass demonstrations all around the country. Not even the nationwide Internet blockade could hamper the protesters.

In response to the Egyptian people’s lack of Internet and cellular communication, Google and Twitter developed a system whereby Egyptians could dial a number and leave a message which would be posted to their Twitter accounts as a voice clip. This allowed thousands of Egyptians to connect with the rest of the world and garner support.

This is a perfect example of the speed and efficacy at which information can travel along social media platforms. Social media did not cause the revolutions in Tunisia or Egypt but it certainly helped speed up the process.

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