How to motivate yourself

By Lorraine Coetzee - 60372 views

We have all gone through a phase where work is just getting you down. You are demotivated and nobody can drag you out of the black hole you fell into. A valuable lesson I have learned, is that the only person that can really help you, is YOU. I have gone around the office and asked our devoted team what they do to motivate themselves.

Look at past achievements
Our developer, Elisabeth, stated that in order to motivate herself, she looks at her previous completed projects and that reminds her that she can achieve anything she sets her mind to. She added that looking at her previous projects, especially something that was challenging, fills her with a sense of accomplishment and that motivates her.

Personally, I write down to-do list every morning, and I tick off the tasks as I go. The more I tick off, the more it motivates me to work harder and faster. Looking back at older to do lists and seeing how much I have gotten done is one of my biggest motivators.

Positivity goes a long way
Surround yourself with positive people. This does not only have to apply to people you physically have around you. Watching motivational talk videos or reading a motivational book or blog has done wonders for me in the past. There are so many online talks, that you are bound to find one that will inspire you. Some of my favorite motivational talks are by Tony Robins and Eric Thomas.

Mari, our Digital Journalist said that the moment she gets frustrated with a task, she puts on her earphones and turns on her music. This immediately makes her feel better and fills her with energy that she otherwise wouldn’t have been able to summon herself. She added that the music increases her focus and gives her more stamina for completing the task.

If you are demotivated by circumstances at work, take the time to get to the bottom of your feelings. It might be that you feel unappreciated or you have been treated unfairly.  According to Julian, our Digital Marketing Consultant, there is nothing worse than working hard and then being critisised instead of thanked. According to him, it is extremely important to receive the appropriate praise when going above and beyond. Criticism affects your work confidence negatively and when it is not constructively given, it subconsciously numbs you to using initiative on the next project, out of pure fear of criticism. 

Jump in
Don't wait to become motivated before you start working on a task. Actually starting the task is more important, and the rest will take care of itself. You are more motivated to complete a task after you have started it, than before.

Our Digital Designer and Video Editor, Linda, stated that when she feels demotivated, she reminds herself of a quote she once stumbled upon; “There are only two options: Make progress or Make Excuses”. According to her, if you can’t show progress then you can show an excuse, and visa versa. She would ask herself if she is satisfied with her excuse and the answer is almost always NO.

There are so many different ways to motivate and inspire yourself. There is also nothing wrong with asking for help or a pep talk if you are struggling to find the inner strength to motivate yourself. Remember that your happiness is your own responsibility and that you decide how you want to feel. Tell us what motivates you?

Lorraine Coetzee is a writer for Sound Idea Digital | | Sound Idea Digital |



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