How to Have a Great Sales Meeting

By Francois Karstel - 3251 views

How to Have a Great Sales Meeting


In a previous article we discussed how to prepare yourself for a sales meeting. Now that you have prepped, it is time to implement these preparations, and here’s how:


  • Be Presentable
    Present yourself well in both attire and attitude. You need to send out the message that you are approachable. Dress well, neatly, professionally and neutrally. Be sure to smile a lot, look your client in the eye when they are talking to you and keep your personal mannerisms minimal. You are representing the company, there to build up a long lasting professional relationship between your two companies, as well as yourselves. This is branding at its best.
  • Prepare to listen
    The bulk of your time should be spent listening. This is an important key in to utilise in sales meetings. Clients feel at ease when they are listened to, as this subliminally reassures them that their needs are catered to completely. It is also important to pace yourself. Sales meetings rarely last more than an hour – another reason why preparation is so important. You have done your research, you have prepared answers to the questions you anticipate, so be sure that while you are attentive to your client, all of the information the client has not already found online, is communicated.
  • Observe your client closely
    Reading between the lines will lead you in what reactions you can expect from the client. If you are able to offer any negative reaction a pre-emptive strike, the client will see that you understand them and likely find the offers you make them agreeable.
  • Empower your client
    It is likely that you will not meet with the final decision makers at first. The person you are meeting with will sell you to those who will approve or decline your offer. This is where your sales collateral comes to play. A popular choice is to provide your client with a Power Point presentation to show their managers. Be careful of overselling yourself and over branding the hand-out. Just provide the information that you will discuss with your client, accompanied by a few additional points to assist your client in presenting your offer to the decision makers.
  • Agree on the next step
    Whether it requires you to close the deal, or simply scheduling a follow-up meeting, ensure that you do not leave the meeting without taking an action step. Finalise what will happen next, in order to plan your essential steps to take when your sales meeting is done.


We emphasised not leaving any grey areas in your client’s mind. This round, it is about not leaving any grey areas in the meeting, whether it be for yourself, or the client. Ensure that everyone is clear on the next step. Keep an eye out for our next post: 6 Steps to Take After a Sales Meeting.



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