How much are you worth?

By Francois Karstel - 3082 views

We all have a built-in perception of either our own value or that of our business’. We also have a perception of the value we offer to our customers or employers. The key is to correctly identify and then establish your value, something that can be challenging if your glass ceiling is too close to the ground.





A person delivers according to what their value perception is. When their value perception is too low, it is dangerous and can easily lead to self-destructive behaviour. Such is the case with people who suddenly obtain a large wealth – they more often than not end up suffering from sudden windfall syndrome, believing that they are not entitled to receive what they have. Employees suffering from either extreme will tend to learn how they can fly under the radar at work. They may very well do absolutely nothing during the day, but through the careful implementation of tactical illusions, they seem to be some of the busiest workers in the office. This is the natural urge in all humans, to become lazy and conserve their energy.


Value is an intangible, fluctuating asset which needs constant attention. The key to being successful is to be valuable. People generally have a sophisticated manner of sniffing out the value of anything they are interested in, so in order to deliver that value everyone is after, you must do two things:


  1. Be more valuable. You need to increase you value, even if it is on a high level already.  Expand your networks, employ a life-long learning ethic and finally, put more effort in to your daily tasks, therefore improving on your profession.

  2. Explain your value. There is a great air of humbleness around working hard without telling people about everything you do for them. But advocating your value is equally important. Receiving positive responses from people who are grateful and impressed by your delivery ups your positive stimulus. When you have the right perception of your value, you will naturally fall into the nature of being as such.


Prove this claim to value through studies, testimonials, references. If it is personal value you need to demonstrate, a bit of modest bragging is not a bad idea. Be careful of over selling yourself though, modesty is the key word here, use this tactic, purely to ensure that your employers  understand the effort you put in and are aware of the results you produce.


The value perception is important if you strive for more. Whether it be a better salary, holding on to your job during a recession, increasing sales or expanding your business, value is something that your need to prove, improve upon and offer on a non-stop basis. To paraphrase Albert Einstein, ‘Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value’.



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