Are your employees demotivated? What you might be doing wrong

By Lorraine Coetzee - 60623 views

Have you looked at your office objectively lately? What does the picture look like? Are your people motivated, or are they simply coming in the office to get a paycheck at month-end? If it is the latter, you might be doing something wrong. Your employees play a big part in their own motivation, however, there are many things that you as employer or manager can do to that shape the environment and motivation levels in your office.

Clear expectations
People work better when they know what is expected of them. Make sure that your staff knows exactly what you expect from each of their individual roles. Communicate with them constantly, and make sure you are on the same page. This will not only help them understand your vision, but it will help them be more decisive when choosing directions or making big decisions.

Never threaten people in your office with their jobs. This is a huge demotivator for the person being threatened, as well as the rest of the team. One of your roles as an authority figure is to reassure employees that they are part of a safe and secure work environment. Always maintain integrity and if you need to reprimand staff, always do it constructively and in the privacy of a closed office, not in front of the rest of the employees.

Nothing is worse than making promises and not keeping them. It is the easiest way to lose your staff's respect and trust. Personally I disagree with the saying that the client is the most important person in your business. I think that employees are the most important. If your employees are happy and fulfilled, they treat your clients well. If you promised employees a day off, a raise, incentives or a team building, give it to them.

Praise good work
If your child had done well in class or had achieved something great on the sports field, would you not praise them? Why should employees be any different? They too, have the need to be praised for good work. It is a common misconception that employees don't need to be  praised, because if they do well, they are only doing what is expected of them right? I don't believe that is the case, in fact, it can do more harm not praising good work. Employees' motivation easily starts to fade when they feel that their work is not being appreciated.

Trust is one of the single most important aspects of running a successful business. Trust your employees to take initiative. Allow them to make decisions in their departments and carry out their great ideas. Employees flourish when they feel that they are being trusted with decisions and it gives them a sense of accountability and responsibility.

Keep your staff challenged constantly to prevent them from falling into a robotic pattern. When employees feel motivated, they work with more energy and confidence. This energy rubs off on others in the office. Keeping your employees motivated should be among your top goals for running a successful business. It is important to stay motivated yourself, so make sure to read next week’s blog on self-motivation tactics.


Lorraine Coetzee is a writer for Sound Idea Digital | | Sound Idea Digital |



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