eLearning Advances - Learning Analytics and Content Curation

By Carla van Straten - 5337 views

We are faced with incredible sophistication in the development of online learning systems. Advanced features and tools are changing the way we understand and approach education. Many of us might have imagined eLearning to be impersonal, isolating and uncustomisable, but the opposite is the case. Technological innovations are focussed on turning the Elearning experience into one that is completely learner orientated; supporting the needs and requirements  of individual learners in an way that traditional learning methods has failed to do.

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In a recent article forecasting the ELearning trends for 2013, the main components that are said to stand out are Mobile Apps, video, HTML 5, Learning Analytics and Curation, because of their astonishing success rates in 2012. (The eLearning forecast for 2013, 2013)

I have discussed the value of mobile learning and online video in previous articles. The innovations in Learning Analytics and Content Curation are the two components that are really  ”blowing our minds” at this current stage!

Learning Analytics

Learning Analytics comprises of tools that capture data in regard to an individual learner’s performance throughout the duration of an online course. Through data capturing, measurement, analysis and feedback reports, the system is able to reveal the areas in which the learner displays good comprehension. It also reveals the areas in which the student displays a lack of understanding. Such areas will then be encouraged; providing additional materials, support and guidance to the learner.

Learning Analytics enables the course materials to be focussed on the specific needs of any given learner through careful performance analysis. It is also completely goaled towards optimal success.

‘Pushed’ and ‘Pulled’ learning approaches

These two methods are a huge topic in the world of eLearning, so let us briefly look at the difference between the ‘Pushed’ and the ‘Pulled’ approach.

What is the ‘Pushed’ approach?

Learners work through each module in sequence and take the assessment at the end to test their knowledge. Each module is compulsory…(Push or Pull ELearning – which is better? 2013)

And what is the ‘Pulled’ approach exactly?

“The pull approach to e-learning is based on what the learner wants to learn... As with the push approach to e-learning, you provide learners with all the learning content, but you arrange it in a way that the learner gets to choose which modules they want to take in order to fill in their knowledge gaps.”(Push or Pull ELearning – which is better? 2013)

Content Curation

Content Curation tools are combining the ideas of “pushed” learning materials and “pulled” learning materials in a well-balanced way.

“Curation will have an increased role this year as it will help learners cut through the noise to get the information they need.” (The eLearning forecast for 2013, 2013)

Considering the diverse demographics of persons who register for ELearning courses, we have a group extending from kids to working professionals. The fact that some learners would already be educated on certain areas provided within a course, cannot be overlooked.  The “pulled” method applies to this matter.

Learners are capable of choosing to skip modules that they are already educated and experienced in and draw more focus onto the modules that they wish to study. Content becomes the property of the learner to choose or discard and in effect, learners are creating a program completely customised to their needs. Administrators are able to provide this advantage to learners through innovative curation tools.

In closing

Look forward to more articles on the developments within ELearning technologies on this blog. We can’t wait to see what happens next in the world of online learning!


Sound Idea Digital specialises in Learning Management Systems and eLearning developments | soundidealearningmanagement.co.za
Carla van Straten is a Writer for Sound Idea Digital | Carla@soundidea.co.za



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