YouTube as a Branding Platform

By Mari Roelofse - 4023 views

YouTube as a Branding Platform




There is a general ignorance that the majority of YouTube users are young, non-influential types which only support free content. This belief is supported by many marketers who firmly rely on the traditional approach of advertising, which most modern digital marketers see as a threat to the more subtle, more accepted manner of marketing.

YouTube User Habits

Google investigated the YouTube user recently, using UK-based subjects for their global study. Close to half of the surveyed users were found to be twice as likely to purchase online as those who do not make use of this video-sharing network. Here is some more information revealed in the study:

-          Only 11% of daily internet access is work-related

-          48% are connected to more than 100 people online

-          86% access YouTube from a desktop platform

-          62% have responded to posts during the last month

-          8% upload their own video content

-          59% watch music videos (the most popular content)

-          22% have researched information following a YouTube advertisement

-          34% watch YouTube videos they were lead to by television content

These statistics show that the YouTube user frequents the internet, making them the primary target audience. They will likely be the first to see your post (and utilise it as applicable) and also the most likely to share your post. After Google, YouTube is the biggest search engine – if you invest in SEO, then you should be investing in YouTube to increase your rankings.

Of those surveyed, it was found that the rank of content viewed, was music, followed by comedy and thirdly, DIY content. The Google investigation as we may call it revealed that 31% of YouTube users would be among the first to purchase new products. In comparison, only 14% of non-YouTube users would eagerly do this.

Utilising YouTube

There are three goals that need to be reached with the YouTube video; to inform, to educate and finally to entertain your viewers. You can make YouTube work with your brand through an advertisement, product demonstrations and ‘how-to’ demonstrations. The advertisement can in turn be loaded as a video itself (by paying for a concept similar to GoogleAdWords) or as a short advertisement that pops up before another video starts to buffer.

Content Marketing 101: YouTube Explained

The Benefits

YouTube is certainly no plain viewing platform. It is a different way of engaging. It provides organizations with a creative way in which to reach out to consumers while sticking to a tight marketing budget.

Implementing a YouTube strategy will improve the quality of your website. Recall that in a previous post we stated that your landing page ought to have video, because the majority of mobile users prefer video content to as the platform of viewing page content? Video allows you to add attributes to your brand. One of these attributed is the ability to convey emotion; suddenly the brand speaks for itself as it gains personality through a more personal profile. Video posts act more directly than a text and image article, for example.


It is anticipated that 66% of mobile data traffic will be video based by the end of 2014. This is not hard to believe as we see mobiles, tablets and other portable devices evolving in their ability to facilitate video content. Linking a YouTube profile to your organization right now will differentiate your brand from the competitors, giving it a head start in the run for consumer preference.


Mari Roelofse is a Digital Journalist & Content Editor for Sound Idea Digital | | Sound Idea Digital |



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