Why Your eLearning Company Relationship Soured

By Sandra - 60515 views

Many eLearning suppliers will promise the world at the beginning of a project, but when it comes to delivery - promises are not met.  It’s important for both sides to have realistic expectations of what is actually possible.

Choose two: speedy service, quality work, low costs.

In eLearning a constraint on quality does not necessarily mean that the quality will be ‘poor’. The eLearning course may be less exciting, less beautiful, have less impact for learners, or have less technical features and functionality.  A re-evaluation of the scope of a course may be necessary, but essentially the content could remain very much the same.  Learning objectives and goals may have to be slimmed down and narrowed (or shallowed) in order to achieve an acceptable outcome for company and provider.

Service delivery is a form of cultural value in an organisation.  Get to know the provider you are interested in working with. Question whether the eLearning provider shares similar values with your organisation. Check that they will be responsive to your needs.

Transparency and communication between any two companies is a must.  Having access to the right people when you need them can make challenging and unfamiliar processes a breeze with a bit of guidance and quick responses. The eLearning specialist needs to guide the company in matters that they would not be aware of and the company should be honest about constraints and how that will impact the project.

See whether the eLearning provider looks like the type of people with whom you would like to enter into a partnership. A long term relationship is beneficial for both sides.  A mismatch between the company and provider will usually result in more costs and wasted time.  A good match means a minimum of surprises, which makes the process smoother for everyone.

If all else fails and it's time to make the change click here to read the three part article on switching between LMS providers.

Comment below with your stories of happy (or unhappy) relationships with eLearning companies/companies seeking eLearning.


Sound Idea Digital specialises in Learning Management Systems and eLearning developments | soundidealearningmanagement.co.za
Sandra is an eLearning Specialist & Content Editor for Sound Idea Digital | Sandra@soundidea.co.za



To cite this blog article:
Slabbert, S. 2015, December 30. Why Your eLearning Company Relationship Soured. <ideas> the official Sound Idea Digital blog [Web log post]. Available: http://blog.soundidea.co.za/articles/Why_Your_eLearning_Company_Relationship_Soured-439.html



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