Why You Should Apply Video to Your E-Marketing Strategy

By Francois Karstel - 61447 views

Why You Should Apply Video to Your E-Marketing StrategyVideo is the way forward. If you need to promote yourself, your business or your website, this is how you should do it. There is a nearly infinite amount of information being communicated in the form of video as we speak. This is why you should be making serious space in your E Marketing Strategy for Video:

The Popularity of Video
Over 6 billion hours of video are watched each month on Youtube and it only accounts for 42% of all online video applications. There are many reasons that this might be. The way we absorb information has changed significantly in the last few decades. Multi-media formats are fast becoming the preferred method of study and training material.


People Remember and Absorb More Through Video
Multimedia has long been proven to affect various parts of the brain, creating neural “links” that help a person to store the information on the video in various places. This helps people to remember things they have seen and heard far better than things they have read.

People Prefer Videos
Videos are easy to watch and entertaining. The prospect of reading a 20 page, typed report compared with watching that same report conveyed through video for 5 minutes certainly leaves no doubt as to why video is preferred.

Mobile Devices
Many people do a lot of their business nowadays from mobile devices. What makes them convenient is their lightweight design and small screens. The downside to these benefits is that large quantities of text become frustrating to scroll through. Many of these business people take video over text simply for the sake of the convenience offered through their equipment.

If You Don’t Your Competitors Will or Have Already
In 2007, Bill Gates was already making public speeches about the importance of digital media over traditional print-media methods in marketing strategies. Many companies have been heading in that direction for a while. There is a good chance that if your competitors haven’t cottoned on yet, they almost certainly will soon.

Google’s “Universal” or “Blended” Search Method
The results that come up in Google when you do a standard search are a little different now than they used to be. Your search terms will no longer merely call up website text pages. These search results will include PDF documents, images, maps and videos. This new method has been coined the Google “universal” or “blended” method. What this mean is that an individual video may get a higher ranking than an entire website.

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