Why Make the Move to eLearning?

By Sandra - 60436 views

As a company starts to grow and expand with branches across different regions, training becomes more difficult.  A company can spend a fortune on training individuals throughout the year as training is needed or as new employees join the company.

It makes no sense to have a trainer in a physical classroom training one new staff member who has to specially fly in for a day of training.  If it is more than a day’s worth of training, then accommodation has to be arranged, too.

Even if training new employees are not the issue at hand, legacy employees who have been with the company for 18, 20 or even 30 years also need training.  Everyone has to change with the times and become more technologically savvy.  You may even need to switch your LMS privder (read here). Employees need to constantly improve on their skills, be updated on systems and products or services.

Another consideration is how does company management know if the training has actually addressed the gaps in the employees’ knowledge?  Or if they were really ready to proceed to the next level of training?  In other words, there’s no real accountable progress and performance tracking.

These issues and considerations, and more, are all addressed in the benefits of eLearning.  There is no longer a divide in physical location and time.  Training can be done anywhere, any time.  eLearning can instruct on any topic.  You can go back into the training records and track every moment and action performed during a particular online course to ascertain real performance and results.

Employees can immediately apply what they have learnt after doing a computer based course.  Their new improved skills are refreshed whenever they need to, because the “trainer” (the computer) is always at their disposal. A lesson can be repeated again and again because the computer the perfectly patient teacher.

Even if a particular course is not directly applicable to an employee’s current role, fostering interest in learning is a way of maximising diversification and specialisation at the same time, for an organisation.  A culture of lifelong learning and continual self-improvement is fostered for greater upliftment of all within the company.

Make the move to eLearning today to stay within the competitive reaches of future advancements.


Sound Idea Digital specialises in Learning Management Systems and eLearning developments | soundidealearningmanagement.co.za
Sandra is an eLearning Specialist & Content Editor for Sound Idea Digital | Sandra@soundidea.co.za



To cite this blog article:
Slabbert, S. 2015, December 10. Why Make the Move to eLearning?. <ideas> the official Sound Idea Digital blog [Web log post]. Available: http://blog.soundidea.co.za/articles/Why_Make_the_Move_to_eLearning-435.html



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