There is more to Content than Video, Text & Images - Part 3

By Carina Claassens - 3856 views

A different viewpoint through drone photography

A Different Type of Content

Drone photography, also known as low level aerial photography, is an easy and affordable way of creatively producing compelling content. It adds a fresh look to photographs or video footage because of its unusual angle – an elevated one to be exact.

What Exactly is Drone Photography?

Drone photography offers a bird’s eye view of whatever the subject may be. This is done by attaching a video or digital camera to a drone which is managed by a remote control. Some drones have GPS guidance systems installed as well as first person view. The footage can be viewed in real time during the flight.

To many, this might seem like something out of a sci-fi film, but in reality drones are becoming more and more popular. The Teal Group, an Aerospace and Defence consulting firm, predicts the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) market to total $89 Billion worldwide over the next decade.

How Does it Work?

The flying system consists of three parts:

1) The remote control drone.

2) The camera body & a wide angle lens.

3) The camera mount.

The hand held system also consists of three parts:

1)    The person steering the drone via a remote control transmitter.

2)    The photographer who uses another transmitter to aim at the subject with actions on the camera mount.

3)    A real time portrayal of what the drone is capturing.

Your camera is mounted onto the drone which is then controlled with a remote control. The drones can fly reasonably high (about 200m) and can access smaller spaces in which helicopters and such will not fit.

The following video is an example of just how accurate and stable drone photography is. The footage was filmed and produced by Sound Idea Digital for Anglo American.



Get Involved

Drones are great for destination marketing and creating interesting compositions. They are built for stability (meaning they won’t shake and distort amazing shots) and they’re affordable.

A cheaper way to take photography from an elevated position is through pole photography. Your camera is positioned onto a long pole and wireless technology allows you to view what your camera is capturing.

Source: Digital Camera World

Aerial or elevated photography should form part of the services offered by a basic film crew as it adds to the captivating effect that images have.


Sound Idea Digital is a full service digital marketing agency. For more information, contact 012 66 44 227 or email to

Carina Claassens is a Writer for Sound Idea Digital l l @soundidea | Sound Idea Digital l



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