The eLearning Team

By Sandra - 62327 views

This is an introduction to the eLearning Team.  Many people may be involved in the process of creating your eLearning materials and making them available to a specified audience.  Roles may overlap and be performed by the same person, as some roles are interrelated and interdependent.

Depending on the size of the eLearning project a small team of a few people may be all that is necessary.  Other larger projects may require a larger team with more specialised or dedicated roles.

Different team members and team groups should be in contact with each during various stages on a regular basis.



The eLearning process can be divided into two major phases:

  1. content development, and
  2. content delivery and maintenance.

A typical eLearning process has

  • planning,
  • design,
  • development,
  • evaluation,
  • delivery, and
  • maintenance stages.


Planning team – will plan content development and produce a project plan.

Design team – will design the content development process and produce a storyboard or rapid prototype.

Production team – will develop the actual content and learning materials.

Evaluation team – will oversee evaluation of content development and provide revised materials.

Delivery team – is responsible for the delivery of the content which has been developed and will then perform the roles of

Instructional team

Learner support services

Administrative services

Marketing team

Stakeholders – make the investment on eLearning projects, provide feedback on the project and give the approval.

The eLearning Team

Individual roles & responsibilities

Khan (2004) of Khan Academy developed a table of individual eLearning roles and responsibilities that people might take in a project.  He notes

“the roles of individuals and their general responsibilities listed in are by no means complete. The titles used for various e-learning are not to suggest that an e-learning institution must create such specific positions; rather, the intention is to describe the roles and responsibilities required for e-learning projects.”

Role of Individual Responsibilities
Directs e-learning initiatives. Develops e-learning plans and strategies.
Project Manager Supervises the overall e-learning process, including: design, production, delivery, evaluation, budgeting, staffing, and scheduling. Works with coordinators of various e-learning teams.
Business Developer Develops business plan, marketing plan, and promotion plan. Coordinates internal and external strategic partnerships.
Consultant/ Advisor
Provides independent, expert advice and services during various stages of e-learning.
Content Development Process
Research and Design Coordinator
Coordinates e-learning research and design processes. Informs management and design teams about the latest data pertaining to online learning activities and research.
Content or Subject Matter Expert
Writes course contents and reviews existing course materials (if any) for accuracy and currency.
Instructional Designer
Provides consultation on instructional strategies and techniques for e-learning contents and resources. Helps select delivery format and assessment strategies for e-learning.
Interface Designer
Responsible for site design, navigation, accessibility, and usability testing. Responsible for reviewing interface design and content materials to be compliant with national accessibility guidelines.
Copyright Coordinator
Provides advisement on intellectual property issues relevant to e-learning. Responsible for negotiating permission to use copyrighted materials including articles, books chapters, videos, music, animations, graphics, Web pages, etc., from copyright holders.
Evaluation Specialist
Responsible for evaluation and assessment design and methodology. Conducts and manages student assessment and evaluation of e-learning environments.
Production Coordinator Coordinates e-learning production process.
Course Integrator
Responsible for getting all pieces of e-learning (e.g., Web pages, chat rooms, Java applets, e-commerce, etc.) working together under a learning management system.
Programs e-learning lessons following the storyboard created in the design process.
Reviews e-learning materials for clarity, consistency of style, grammar, spelling, appropriate references, and copyright information.
Graphic Artist Uses creativity and style to design graphical images for e-learning lessons.
Multimedia Developer
Responsible for creating multimedia learning objects, such as audio, video, 2D/3D animations, simulations, etc.
Photographer/ Videographer Responsible for photography and video related to e-learning contents.
Learning Objects Specialist
Guides the design, production, and meaningful storage of learning objects by following internationally recognized standards (e.g., SCORM, AICC, IEEE, etc.).
Quality Assurance Responsible for quality control in e-learning.
Pilot Subjects Participates in e-learning pilot testing.
Delivery Coordinator Coordinates the implementation of e-learning courses and resources.
Content Delivery and Maintenance Process
Systems Administrator Administers LMS server, user accounts, and network security.
Server/Database Programmer Responsible for server and database related programming especially for tracking and recording learners’ activities.
Online Course Coordinator Coordinates the instructional and support staff for online courses.
Instructor(or Trainer) Teaches online courses.
Instructor Assistant Assists the instructor or trainer in instruction.
Tutor Assists learners in learning tasks.
Discussion Facilitator or Moderator Moderates and facilitates online discussions.
Customer Service Provides generic help and points to appropriate support services based on specific needs of customers (i.e., learners).
Technical Support Specialist Provides both hardware- and software-related technical help.
Library Services Interactive library services for learners who can ask questions to librarians about their research, both asynchronous and in real time via the Internet.
Counselling Services Provides guidance on study skills, self-discipline, responsibility for own learning, time management and stress management, etc.
Administrative Services Administrative services include admission, schedules, etc.
Registration Services Responsible for efficient and secure registration process for e-learning.
Marketing Responsible for marketing e-learning offerings.

Now that you are more familiar with who’s involved in creating your eLearning solution, you’ll understand that behind every successful eLearning project is a winning eLearning team.


Sound Idea Digital specialises in Learning Management Systems and eLearning development |
Sandra is an eLearning Specialist & Content Editor for Sound Idea Digital |



To cite this blog article:
Slabbert, S. 2016, February 7. The eLearning Team. <ideas> the official Sound Idea Digital blog [Web log post]. Available:

Khan, B. H. 2004, September-October. People, process and product continuum in e-learning: The e-learning P3 model. Educational Technology. 44(5): 33-40.



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