Switching LMS providers: 3 – Maximising your ROI

By Sandra - 63339 views

If you’ve missed Part 1 click here or Part 2 click here.

The final part of this blog series on switching LMSs draws to a close by giving you some insights on how to maximise your ROI.  The more clearly you can show how an LMS will positively affect your bottom-line, the easier it will be to get company buy-in.  You need to indicate how the LMS will pay for itself through increased productivity, improved business performance, or reduced costs.

The LMS will help your organisation in a number of ways.  Without going to deep into the benefits, here are a few aspects that will show improved ROI:

  • cut costs
  • improve profits with better customer service and higher levels of customer satisfaction
  • improved time-to-market training of sales, customer service and business partners
  • lower administrative costs for training program management
  • improve the operational efficiency and improve company performance
  • reduced travel and facility costs
  • centralise tracking, reporting and analytics - track training impact
  • decrease employee turnover

Consider what your current training program is costing you and assess what impact that training is having on your organisation. Benchmark areas within your process to assess.  Focus on investment costs, employee time spent, the opportunity cost of lost time, sales decreases or increases and so forth.  Then compare what impact and costs are anticipated when implementing a new LMS.  Consider factors such as:

  • the introduction of the LMS
  • the user’s experience
  • content the LMS offers
  • learning effectiveness

Here are two recommended LMS ROI calculators.  These can aid you in determining these aspects and provide your organisation the quantifiable evidence it may need to make the switch to a new LMS.

AADM LMS ROI calculator

Bridge Front LMS ROI calculator


Sound Idea Digital specialises in Learning Management Systems and eLearning developments | soundidealearningmanagement.co.za
Sandra is an eLearning Specialist & Content Editor for Sound Idea Digital | Sandra@soundidea.co.za



To cite this blog article:
Slabbert, S. 2015, December 17. Switching LMS providers: 3 – Maximising your ROI. <ideas> the official Sound Idea Digital blog [Web log post]. Available: http://blog.soundidea.co.za/articles/Switching_LMS_providers_3_Maximising_your_ROI-437.html

Gyrus Systems, 2013. Learning Management System (LMS) Switching Guide. [online] Gyrus Systems. Available: http://www.gyrus.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/LMS-Switching-Guide.pdf [Accessed 4 Nov. 2015].



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