Online Education in SA Part 2: Training for Teachers

By Carla van Straaten - 2486 views

The benefits to be reaped from online learning pertain to teachers just as much as it pertains to learners. The second part of my interview with Karen Walstra, from Karen Walstra Consulting, concerned the topic of teaching and technology. It is important to note, that in contrary to common opinions, eLearning is not a system of education that replaces the teacher, but a system that helps teachers to develop and enhance their knowledge and their teaching skills.

My question was, "Should schools be encouraging training for teachers?" The short answer is yes, and they should be positively encouraged with guidance. Online learning technologies play a role in the development of teachers on two levels; training in technology and training through technology.

So what is there to be learned and what is there to be gained? Online learning tools offer help to teachers in many areas.

eBooks welcome modifications

eBooks allows for quick downloads and, as mentioned in the previous article, content in eBooks can be modified with editing and note taking tools to suite the specific requirements of a given school, subject or even an individual classroom.

Online quizzes mark themselves

Students can be tested on their knowledge via online quizzes which are marked and graded through automation. The teacher, however, has the duty of setting up questions in such a way as to encourage interpretation and insightful answers.

Recording learners' performance

Teachers can get information about how the learners in their classrooms are progressing; how often they read, what they read etc. Learning Analytics comprises of tools that capture data in regard to an individual learner’s performance. This provides teachers with a deeper understanding and will assist them in their decisions regarding the preparation of learning material.

Teachers learn from teachers

Teachers are able to engage with one another through learning systems, such as Blackboard, which allows them to gain and contribute towards a knowledge database that will help them stay informed on current topics in their field, such as curriculum changes and developments is education in general, as mentioned by Karen.

In closing

Teachers should be trained on using technologies in the classroom or encouraged to at least combine technologies with their current teaching methods. They can also be trained in other areas, through technology, allowing them to get to know technological media and how to use it while being informed on the developments in education. This allows them to stay current. To conclude, teachers should be granted access to technologies and encouraged to “play” with it, as Karen mentioned. This is because the forwardness of education in South Africa lies in online learning technologies.


Sound Idea Digital specialises in Learning Management Systems and eLearning developments |
Carla van Straten is a Writer for Sound Idea Digital |



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