Lifelong Learning meets eLearning – Employee Development

By Carla Van Straten - 7156 views

It is fact that knowledge is power. In the work environment, a lifelong learning commitment helps individuals to become more employable or advances them in their current career situations. Where knowledge is power, Lifelong Learning is infinite empowerment.

LLL meets eLearning – Employee Development

Before diving into this subject, I wish to define Lifelong Learning (LLL) for the purpose of this article. LLL is the pursuit of knowledge that succeeds primary, secondary and tertiary education systems, that extends into adulthood and is an on-going process throughout. Multiple social studies have shown that Lifelong Learning promotes personal development, competitiveness, social involvement, active citizenship and increased employability in individuals.

A body of knowledge exists on the topic of effective corporate leadership... A body of knowledge exists on the topic of effective communication in the work place... With so much out there to learn, we cannot afford not to be teachable.

A desire to grow

Development programs for employees are crucial to the success of any organisation.

Employees are happy when they are competent and confident in the work that they are doing. Each and every enterprise should provide training for its employees, granting them the opportunity to be the best that they can be in their current employment positions and to prepare them for possible future career situations.

Employees should not merely be trained on how to do their jobs either. They should be challenged to learn new things, to acquire the skills and abilities to not only do the job, but to thoroughly understand the job and to be able to creatively improve the environment, methods and procedures that they are involved in.

A practical solution

It is no longer practical for employees to be sent on seminars or long courses in working hours when time is money and when being “out of office” could make or break a business deal. Having to go to certain locations at certain negotiated times during work hours is problematic. It causes disruption and anxiety.

How do we solve this? Firstly, through bringing the learning to the learner, and secondly, through breaking up the course into smaller digestible segments. It is also very important to then make sure that any specific segment of information is accessible when it is most relevant to the work situation at hand. These are principles supported by eLearning methods.

The best model

To base business training or conceptual learning on the Khan Academy model, seems to be the ultimate solution. Not only should employees be provided with access to eLearning, they should be able to set up their own learning paths within the company’s Learning Management System. Provided with a body of knowledge on various topics relevant to the company, industry or work ethics in general, employees should be able to arrange learning content to suite their individual needs and their personal goals. This could be done alongside a supervisor or mentor allocated to the employee. Such eLearning programs could be incorporated into a company’s intranet system, providing the opportunity to share content with other employees and to partake in employee discussion groups.

The perfect fit

ELearning methods create the perfect learning scenario for people who want to continue learning in a way that is manageable and undisruptive to their daily routines. In other words, eLearning is the perfect match for a corporate employee committed to Lifelong Learning. It provides one with the opportunity to study in the afternoon the challenging new tasks, that one would need to perform in the morning, and the morning after that, and the morning after that.


Sound Idea Digital specialises in Learning Management Systems and eLearning developments |
Carla van Straten is a Writer for Sound Idea Digital |



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