Change Management for eLearning

By Sandra - 63105 views

The success rate of major change initiatives is often quite low.  Below are the top seven tips for successful change management when it comes to new eLearning or Learning Management Systems implementation.

Target the Communication

Explain the initiative before, during and after the course.  Consider what the communication about the project should be and use that as training in and of itself.  Have a clear message and explain the benefits of continued training and a different way of learning, namely online or with a computer. Set up communication tools such as teaser videos, posters or instruction guides.

Map it Out

Look at key issues, situations and the training culture of the organisation.  Make sure that sponsors, project managers, line managers, team members, etc., are most appropriately communicated with.  Motivate participants.  Build meaning into the training courses.  Courses should have practical job applications.


Change management needs to be company specific and sensitive to the culture within.  Tailored support or even one-on-one communications with users may be necessary to get everyone on board.  The goal is to optimise learning and attain training goals and objectives.

Service Provider Support

This may go without saying, but a good, supportive eLearning service provider can make all the difference to your company’s change management scheme.  Make sure you get your LMS or eLearning with tutoring to support course organisation and integration. It is important to have your eLearning service provider close at hand for this settling-in period and work with the organisation to solve these issues.

The Human Element

Some issues may not be technical, but rather have a human element to them.  Individuals may be faced with a totally new concept in learning – computer based learning for the first time.  Others may be already acquainted with online learning done in a particular way which is different to the new system being implemented at the company now.  There may be technophobia among employees.

Use Early Resisters

More attention and more committed efforts can be directed towards individuals experiencing problems with a new eLearning system.  One strategy is to create further involvement of the employees who are resisting, thus improving their perceptions.  Use early strugglers as beta-testers.  Make them feel that they also have a voice to be heard in development.  Understand the hidden or underlying resistance to the change.  Effective change is a far greater influence on systems adoption than technical training will ever be.

Be Loud or Be Subtle

Sometimes change management is underplayed.  A massive internal marketing effort is not always necessary or desired.  One company has taken this underplayed route by allowing employees to slowly settle into the eLearning environment on their own.  Mandatory training has been appointed to others using the online learning system.  The success of the computer based training has created its own sort of buzz.  Word-of-mouth has spread and employees self-direct their learning and start requesting access to eLearning courses themselves.  A subtle change in behaviour is sometimes all that is needed to get employees to automatically move over to a new system.

Comment below if you have any more ideas on change management for eLearning or LMS implementation.  Or if your company has recently gone through some eLearning changes let us know what happened in the process.


Sound Idea Digital specialises in Learning Management Systems and eLearning developments |
Sandra is an eLearning Specialist & Content Editor for Sound Idea Digital |



To cite this blog article:
Slabbert, S. 2015, December 23. Change Management for eLearning. <ideas> the official Sound Idea Digital blog [Web log post]. Available:



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